Disable Bouncer Playback Spam for Emacs Circe Notifications
August 10, 2018 — Thomas Kobber PanumI recently changed to using circe as my everyday IRC client. Despite the circe-notifications being featureful, the suggested way to reduce notification spam from your irc bouncer is a bit of a hack. As stated in the readme, simply delay the activation hook by x seconds and pray it is large enough for missing all notifcations during playback.

From my experience it works reasonably well, however, when you work on a laptop (with circe-lagmon-mode
for reconnection after suspend) the issue persist as you reconnect to your bouncer in the same emacs session.
I am using ZNC as my bouncer, and it conviently prefixes all messages with a timestamp.
Knowing this, I customized circe-notifications-notify
to ignore messages with such a prefix.
(defun circe-notifications-notify (nick body channel)
(unless (string-match "^\[[0-9]+:[0-9]+\]" body)
:severity circe-notifications-alert-severity
:title nick
:style circe-notifications-alert-style)))